
Student Services

間眅埶AV is prepared to help you through your postsecondary journey with many student services and supports available. Your success is our success! That's why we're focused on offering unparalleled services to help you thrive. Explore student supports, services, and more below from the Health Centre to Accessibility Services to the Testing Centre and beyond. 

Your health and well-being are important to your academic success and personal growth. Explore health and wellness services and supports available like the Health Centre, counselling, and crisis supports.
Your success is our success! Let us help lead you to success so you can reach your goals, with support from the Success Team, peer tutoring, peer mentoring, The Write Place, and Radical Room.
We are committed to expanding access and support for people of all abilities, with a goal to a barrier-free learning and working environment. Explore accommodations, disabilities, self-identification, Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD), College Transition, and Learning Strategies and Assistive Technology.
Testing services are available for students and the general public, including accessibility testing, out of class testing, English and Math proficiency testing, career testing, and proctoring exams.
The 間眅埶AV Campus Watch Program is a student volunteer program that is aimed to ensure anyone on campus feels safe and comfortable after regular operating hours.
The goal of the Youth in Transition Program is to support youth in their successful transition out of the child welfare system into adulthood.
Information Technology Services provides information, support and technology services to 間眅埶AV, including support for students.

Contact Us

Location: E1101
Phone: 705-759-2554  ext. 2703
Email:   studentsupport@saultcollege.ca