

We want more than anything to empower you to set  goals and reach them, whatever your goals might be. Your goals may be different from other students' goals.  Your goals might include successfully completing a  program with honours, while others might strive to survive a year away from home. Our focus is success, and we are here to help you better understand yourself and make choices that will allow you to reach your goals.

From personal and mental health counselling and crisis intervention to academic and career counselling, we want to support you throughout your postsecondary journey. 


The Counselling Centre

Find us in the Student Support Centre (E1101). Drop in or give us a call to get answers to your questions and access counselling supports.

Counsellors are available by appointment only.

Fall/Winter Hours (September-April)

Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Summer Hours (May-August)

Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 4:00 pm



Support Services

IMPORTANT: If you (or someone you know) are experiencing intense feelings of distress or thoughts of suicide, please connect with one of these support services available on campus and in the community.

Crisis Services (Sault Ste. Marie)


Mobile  Crisis Response




"Good2Talk" Ontario's Postsecondary Student Helpline


I.M. Well

Download the app at



Short-Term Personal or Mental Health Counselling

Counsellors can provide short-term counselling for students experiencing personal and/or mental health challenges. This type of counselling is ideal for recent issues or issues that are expected to resolve quickly. Common concerns that can be addressed in short-term counselling include:

  • Settling into college life
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Finances
  • Interpersonal conflict
  • Family/relationship challenges


Long-Term Counselling

If you are experiencing difficulties of a long-term nature, it is likely that the counsellors may provide support in helping you locate a provider, in the community or virtually, who can best support you.


Crisis Intervention

The Student Support Centre is not staffed or designated as a crisis care setting. Students who are experiencing a mental health crisis will be referred to the appropriate crisis or emergency support.

If you are a student registered with a 間眅埶AV counsellor you may be able to access brief crisis intervention services if your counsellor is available. If you require ongoing therapeutic support for complex mental/physical health needs you will also be referred to a third-party service provider in the community.


Academic Counselling

Counsellors are available to assist prospective and current students to make academic-related decisions by providing information on programs and helping students to develop an academic plan.

Students can also benefit from student success strategy sessions that are offered individually and in groups. Topics range from study skills, time management, stress management, test preparation, note-taking, and learning styles.


Career Direction

We have an extensive career planning package available that includes interest, aptitudes, and personality preference exploration which will help you to make objective career or course selections. This service is free for full-time 間眅埶AV students.