
Peer Tutoring

Everyone needs a little help sometimes and peer tutoring can help you through your courses. Peer tutoring allows students who are excelling academically to help other students in their program by leading drop-in tutorial sessions.

Peer tutors are students that have achieved high grades and have been recommended by program faculty. They work with tutees (students wanting help) to review course material, work through questions together, and prepare for upcoming tests or finals.

Learn more below about attending peer tutoring sessions or how to become a peer tutor for your program.


Attend A Peer Tutoring Session

  • Weekly group, drop-in tutoring sessions are available for specific programs
  • Core subject peer tutoring sessions are also available for courses such as English and Mathematics
  • Attend an entire session or drop-in at any time during a session
  • Find the Peer Tutoring Schedule
    • Find the schedule online on LMS under the Peer Tutoring and Academic Supports Calendar. Click on any day and scroll through the list on the right to see if your program has a session that day
    • Find the schedule on campus posted on the Peer Tutoring Message Board by the Bookstore
    • Email peer.tutoring@saultcollege.ca to find out if your program has peer tutoring sessions this semester
  • One-On-One/Small Group tutoring is available for students with documented disabilities or a demonstrated need via a referral from an Academic Counsellor in the Student Support Centre
  • Training for peer tutors is provided by the Student Success Team


Becoming A Peer Tutor

Being a peer tutor is a great opportunity to gain work experience, build your confidence, expand your knowledge of course material, and have a convenient on-campus job that works with your schedule. You will be paid hourly for leading group tutorial sessions.


  • Must be in good academic standing and have at least a B-average in the subject area you wish to tutor.
  • Submit an application that includes recommendations from two professors.

How To Apply

If you're interested in becoming a peer tutor, you can apply any time!




Responsibilities For Students Being Tutored

Tutees (students being tutored) have the following responsibilities for attending a Peer Tutoring session:

Before A Session

  • Attend all your classes.
  • Read all assigned material.
  • Attempt all homework assignments.
  • Take notes on your problem areas and make a list with your questions.

During A Session

  • Always bring your textbook, class notes, and any necessary materials (i.e., calculator).
  • Be actively involved in working through problems and discussing class material with your peer tutor.
  • Ask the peer tutor to explain anything you did not understand and/or go over the list of questions you have.
  • Tell the peer tutor if they are moving too quickly through the material so you both can set an appropriate pace for learning.


Still Having Difficulty?

Here are some ideas to help you work through your courses and succeed:

  • Talk to your instructor as soon as possible and seek clarification, assistance, or guidance.
  • Complete Study Skills learning modules on the Learning Portal, which cover time management, effective study skills, self-care techniques, and more.
  • Create an informal study group of peers in your program to support each other in learning.
  • Visit the Student Support Centre to make an appointment with a counsellor to discuss your academic options.