
Peer Mentoring

As a Peer Mentor, you are a leader and upper year student committed to helping new students adjust to and navigate college life, while remaining focused on academic and career goals within your program or building connections and community at the College.

You would provide student mentees with the opportunity to meet one-to-one or in a group setting hosted by yourself or the team of peer mentors.


How You Will Help

  • Share relatable experiences
  • Provide College resources
  • Encourage attending  events or opportunities
  • Answer questions about your program, 間眅埶AV or College life
  • Participate in engaging conversations about experience in the field, clinicals, or labs

Being part of Peer Mentoring is a great way to meet new people, build community and share your feedback in a way that will support new students along their journey.
If you are interested in learning more about the program and how you can sign up to be a Peer Mentor, email   peer.tutoring@saultcollege.ca